• MS Word Shortcut Keys

    MS Word Shortcut Keys

    A list of the most commonly used Microsoft Word Shortcut keys. This post is also available as a download. When you’re in the midst of typing your book, you will find yourself using the same commands over and over again. If each time it takes you a few seconds to…

  • What is dialogue within dialogue?

    What is Dialogue Within Dialogue?

    Dialogue is just another word for speech. Generally, dialogue is separated from standard text using inverted commas (also known as speech marks). These can be either single ( ‘ and ’ ) or double ( “ and ” ). Which style an author chooses is down to personal choice, although…

  • What is phonetic dialogue?

    What is Phonetic Dialogue?

    Is it OK to write speech phonetically (phonetic dialogue) to illustrate an accent or lisp? The answer, as with pretty much everything else, is ‘it depends’. There is a time and place for differentiating characters based on how they speak – for example to indicate a different social background or…